This contains various figure drawings, quick studies and still artwork that helps show my artistic and animation-related skills.
This piece was created on Bristol with graphite and charcoal pencil.
Study of statue done in charcoal and pastel, using break down technique.

Life study in charcoal and graphite.

Study done in charcoal and pastel.
Study done in charcoal and pastel.

A study of the aboriginal artwork style of Australia. This piece was created with hand-mixed paints created from natural pigments and base in an effort to stay as true as possible to the creation process of actual aboriginal artwork.
An experimental effort of color and texture. Software Used: Photoshop
A piece inspired by the William Blake poem 'The Tiger'. Software Used: Photoshop, Illustrator
An exercise in applying color theory to abstract shapes. Colored pencil, watercolor.
Graphite and sketchpad.
Graphite and sketchpad.
Graphite and sketchpad.
Quick sketch. Graphite and sketchpad.
Quick sketch of figure. Graphite and sketchpad.

An illustration of my character, Starshadow. Pencil, ink, watercolor, markers.
Study in charcoal.
Study in pencil and graphite.
Study done in charcoal.